Tuesday, September 18, 2012


  Welcome to Brittany Lee Designs.  I am Brittany Lee - these are my designs!  Thank you for stopping by.  Here is my attempt at getting these ideas swirling around in my brain at night when I can't sleep onto some type of media to share with you.
  I am a mother of two children and a wife to my best friend.  My goal is to continue the path I am on as a stay at home mommy.  I feel like this is the best place for me and my family and I'm hoping I am able to lighten the load on the husband by offering some of my ideas to you, if you're interested! :)
  I believe in quality before quantity.  I don't believe in throwing money, time, or effort away.  This is why I aim to provide you with an item I would be excited to purchase myself.  I hope you'll find something you like.  All items can be customized and I am more than happy to work one on one to come up with something completely different and personal. 
  E-Mail me:  brittanyleedesigns@gmail.com
  Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest coming soon!
